Getting behind of the current trend?? Don’t worry we have our own design & development team to help you out. We produce a wide range of product with more than 500 styles per season and we privilege our designers to often visit different international tread shows so that they can gather their experiencesfrom everything & have a clear concept of the current market trend. Anything new on fiber, fabrics or trims we always try to try them out, evaluate & at the end, provide customer a complete package of newness. We are offering our customers to combine their design with our expertise to make more cost effective beautiful & trendy project which ensures a healthy sales with a greater profit range. We have become most reliable partner of our client’s business development & growth because of our this effort.
Design & Development


In this competitive market we know the importance of proper pricing. We believe our main strength is our price against your desired quality. Off course quality has greater impact on pricing but we make sure you get the optimum quality within your price range. Our vast local & global raw material souring network enabled us to offer our customer a wide range of raw material, as well as final product options against their price range. At the micro level we maximize savings for each component in the supply chain (yarn, fabrics, trims, productivity, output and packaging) to minimize the cost of the final product so that you get best of your money.
Collection Sample

We have our own sampling department equipped with all necessary machineries to convert your design concept into reality into shortest possible time. We provide collection & salesman sampling support so that you can check your different concept throughout the market before buying in bulk.Like bulk, in sampling stage each & every raw material is carefully chosen so that they reflect the exact design concept.
Quality Assurance

We believe ensuring required quality is the key of long term business relationship.We have a dedicated skilled independent QC fleet working through a foolproof well thought system to ensure an international standard of quality in production procedure. Below are the procedures we follow strictly to ensure our standard in production. We implemented all these procedure to keep us safe from any unwanted hazard during production.
- Internal PP meeting: Before handover the file to QA department from merchandising department we do an internal PP meeting so that a QC knows every detailing & quality standard of customer from production merchandiser. This is to close the communication gap between merchandising & QA department. Presence of technical team, merchandising team & QA team is mandatory here. Also it is mandatory to have sealed PP samples with PP comments attached, bulk trim card, bulk fabric GSM report, accessories check list, packing instruction on QC file.
- Risk assessment: During IPM we go through the whole garment (procedure wise) & find out risk factors during production. These points are red marked & carefully followed up during production to eliminate unwanted issues at the first place.
- Pre-Production meeting: We do a pre-production meeting with all production responsible personnel of factory to make them understand the whole order& working procedure. Presence of bulk size set, in house wash test report of bulk size set & fabric shrinkage report is mandatory here. If there any pattern rectification required then it is done after PP meeting but before cutting.
- Technical Visit: At the very early stage of production output, our technical team visits the factory sewing line to check if there any problems/issues in production line which is causing quality issues in final product. If any problem found they solve there, instantly.
- Weekly inline & wash test report: Our QC does in line inspection on each week during production & brings samples from the sewing line to perform in house wash test to ensure optimum quality of bulk product. If any issues found immediately actions are taken to solve. QA department is independent & they independently provide result reports to customer each week directly.
- Involvement of wash technician: To prevent issues &ensure quality in washing procedure, we have wash technician who goes to washing plant daily for optimum output.
- Pre-final Inspection: Before offering final inspection, our quality manager goes to factory & does a pre-final inspection to check if goods are ok for final inspection or not. If quality is not satisfactory then goods are reopened & rechecked carefully.
Production Merchandsing

A bunch of well-educated young professionals with proper knowledge & experience on garment technology/merchandising are working tirelessly to ensure there is no mistake in production stage. Capability of individually solving problems during production helped customers to reduce their stress. By careful follow up & maintaining proper time and action plan our merchandisers ensure all bulk goods are shipping on time each time. We understand how much it is important to bepresent of product to customer’s stores on time. We always keep that in mind & support our customers accordingly.
Logistics Support

Our commercial team follows up everything from LC handling to handover goods to forwarder. They follow up the whole procedure of shipping & make sure everything goes without a flaw.They ensure that customer receives their customs documents on time.